How to use Musicspace Protect

Find out how to use our Copyright Protect tool, Musicspace Protect.

Written by KaranLast update 3 years ago

Musicspace Protect is our built-in Copyright Protection tool for musicians. In seconds, you can easily protect your song files, lyrics, and cover arts for just $2.50 per protected work. 

Copyright protection for artists shouldn't be complicated, which is why we made our tool as simple as possible. Here's how to protect your music, lyrics, and cover arts in six easy steps: 

Step One: 

Click the "Protect" tab on the left side of your menu. 

Step Two: 

Click the "Protect Your Work" button

Step Three:

Next, enter information about the work you wish to protect, then click next. 

Step Four: 

Upload and name your file. Note: There won't be a notification to show that the file is uploaded. Just select your chosen file, name the file in the second field, then click next (we upload your files later). 

Step Five: 

Accept our Terms & Conditions then pay ($2.50 per protected file) 

Step Six

You're all done! You'll now get a notification saying your file is now protected! 

What Next? 

Now that you've protected your work, you can view it any time by clicking it in the Protect tab. Clicking your file will bring up information regarding it, and you'll also have the ability to do two things:

  • Download your protected file. 
  • Request a certification for your file.

If you click "request a certificate", please allow up to 3 business days for our team to create and send you a certificate. Your certificate will have the following information on it: Title of work, Copyright owner(s) name, Type of work, I.P address, date of the protection, and the time of protection. 

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